Sunday, October 09, 2005

Damp Days

The skies were apparently blue for some part of today (at least, according to the occasional glance outside that I managed), but all I experienced was cold and gray. Fall is definitely here! I wore my jacket home this evening - it has been hangning on the back of my office chair since the last time I wore it in to the store (March?). It is a bright and cheery patchwork sweater-weight jacket I made a number of years ago (note to self -- time to start working on a new 'spring' colored jacket). I love the weight and drape of it (made on a sweatshirt base) and the color combo is one of my continuing favorites (hot pink, tangerine orange and lemon yellow:).

Speaking of color, I managed to cut out the pieces for the first star block on my new quilt. The design is called Southern Star -- is a fairly simple Mariner's Compass type of star. I chose batiks in dark green, magenta, purple (grape) and a kanji print in a mix of these colors. I am eager see how it works out (I did get the time, in between customers, to sew a few pieces together). The batiks are more densely woven than common quilting cottons -- I can tell fall damp is setting in because my hands were achy after sewing a few pieces together (batiks offer more needle resistance). Maybe I'll have to machine piece the rest?

Business was reasonable today, especially given that it was not a very nice day. Our big batting sale started today (40% off -- whatever possessed me?!) and that attracted some traffic. It will be interesting to see how it goes tomorrow.

Sandy S was working with me today. I always enjoy working with her -- she's very sweet natured, easy to talk to, and wiser than one might think. She's the kind of quiet person whose opinion I value -- I know she won't make any comments that aren't heart-felt. :)

I am going to try to finish gluing up the final pages for my technique round robin tonight -- I really would like to get them in the mail tomorrow.

Skip is off tomorrow (it's a government holiday). I always enjoy having him home and I expect he'll come to the store with me for at least part of the day.

:) Linda

PS The D&D movie wasn't half bad -- still not great art, but not camp, either. Dragons sure are scary monsters -- I"m glad they are imaginary!!


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